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5 Efficient Techniques for Attracting More Customers

While return customers may be more profitable than a one-time buyer, keep in mind that every regular had to start as a first-timer. Therefore, generating more customers is the only way to guarantee the survival of your business in the long run. Nonetheless, this is easier said than done, due to the fact that you have to attract the right crowd (qualified leads), make a good first impression, as well as present them with a good enough reason to stay. That being said, here are top five techniques to attract new customers and even set them on the path towards greater customer loyalty.

Leverage social media and influencer marketing

Due to the fact that we’re living in the 21st century, it would be outright irresponsible to just ignore the influence of social media and influencer marketing. Both of these methods provide you with a disproportionally large reach when compared to the initial investment. This makes it into an opportunity that you simply can’t afford to miss out on. Nonetheless, when picking influencers, make sure to explore their audience as much as you do their personalities. The right micro-influencer may have more potential customers in their audience than an A-list celebrity.

Start a blog

The simplest way to make a name for yourself in your industry, without actually becoming one of its titans, is to start a blog. This will help you generate value for your audience, as well as demonstrate just how skilled and knowledgeable you are in these matters. A word of caution, running a blog is not nearly expensive as it is time-consuming, which is why you need to start looking at your time as a finite resource. While still on this topic, you also need to understand that, in 2017, an average time for writing a blog post was at about 3 hours and 20 minutes.

Multitude of channels

In order to attract as much audience as possible, you need to cover as many fronts as you can. This means addressing your audience through various channels. We’ve already discussed digital marketing, however, why stop there? Word of mouth marketing is still the method that gives your business the most legitimacy and reputability. Promotional products generate instant value for your target demographic, while telemarketing offers them the nostalgia of old-school business. In order to take this last idea one step further, you could even go for 1300 numbers, thus making these calls toll-free for your audience.

Local directories

The next step you need to take is the inclusion of your business into local business directories. For instance, you need to ensure that your business has its place on Yelp as well as Google My Business. This will help your audience gain some necessary information about your business, such as contact info, customer service and much more. Moreover, seeing as how these two directories are the first two places that people turn to when looking for answers, it’s more than worth your while to have your headquarters listed here.

Boosting your curb appeal

Lastly, once they discover you and finally decide to pay you a visit in person, most of your customers will make up their mind based on what they see on the premises. This is why you need to ensure that the front of the store looks as presentable as possible. For online businesses, the alternative to this would be keeping a neat looking homepage, however, the effect of a well-organized and well-maintained store is even more impactful. You’ll never know just how many customers turned around and never entered the place, due to the fact that you didn’t “look reputable enough” from the outside.

At the end of the day, you need to understand that, when it comes to some truly outstanding results, you need to demonstrate a no small amount of patience. This is also why, aside from long-term goals, you should set some milestones. This will allow you to track your progress over the course of time and ensure that you’re always on the right track. Most importantly, this advice holds true regardless of your industry and whether you’re an online or a traditional business.

About The Author


Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to latest DIY projects and home design. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family. Follow Diana on Google Plus and Twitter to read more of Diana’s writing.

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