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Barack and Michelle Obama’s Love Story is even better than you thought

Barack and Michelle Obama’s Love Story is even better than you thought

Michelle Obama is currently busing touring around the country to promote her book “becoming, Obama” which gives us a lot of insight about her and, former US president, Barack Obama’s life. And let us tell you, it does show how they are also, despite everything, a normal couple.

They are known to be the best couple to ever live in the White House, but Michelle has really gotten up close and personal in her book which has many effective parts to purposely break down the myth of how a perfect relationship should be especially when you are under a spotlight all the time.

She said while giving an interview that young couples take too much pressure on themselves to be perfect. We seem to have this amazing marriage and love for each other, but we have to work hard for it sometimes.

She talked about her miscarriage, her IVF treatment to conceive both of their daughters and Barack Obama going to a therapist amidst this situation to get “fixed’.

She talked about many twists of fate which have made them what they are today; a power couple.

Barack Obama or as his friends called him “Barry”, worked as a summer associate at Sidley & Austin firm where he met Michelle for the first time. Michelle was given the task to mentor the newbie. She thought, judging by his name, that he would be utterly boring and highly intellectual person.

Obama was struck by how tall and beautiful she was, and Michelle was glad to know his ears and nose weren’t as big as in the picture he submitted.

She said that he seemed too good to be true. But Obama proved to be an amazing human being with strong moral values.

But Michelle wanted to focus on work at that time and was committed not to date the only other black individual at the firm, she though it would look tacky. Nonetheless, Barack kept asking her on a date and she kept saying no, she even tried to fix him up with a friend.

But finally, she said yes to go out with him for ice cream and he said that he treated her with the finest ice cream at Baskin Robbins and Michelle, too, admitted it was a cool date.

She didn’t fall in love with him in the beginning, but when she did, it happened fast.

Obama admitted that Michelle gave his life a direction and made him a better person and then a better president. He didn’t believe in the institution of marriage and while proposing to Michelle he said that he hopes she feels better now making him do this.

She supported him in achieving his goals and he did the same. This made them the best team. They weren’t just enthusiast professionals, they have always been loving parents to their daughters.

Now after the presidency, when they have more time on their hands, they want to spend it with each other. They want to focus on their dreams and desires, the things which brought them together in the first place. Now that is the kind of love one should always root for and aspire to have.

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