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Curb Appeal Ideas for Ranch-Style Homes

Curb Appeal Ideas for Ranch-Style Homes

Ranch-style homes were once among the most popular designs due to their relaxed appeal, open space and a great level of accessibility. This style is gaining popularity once again, providing homeowners with practical, laid-back and enjoyable one-story living spaces. However, ranch-style homes are also known for their slightly monotonous and boring exteriors. Luckily, you can easily elevate your ranch-style home’s curb appeal by implementing a few creative ideas.

A simple, minimalist, yet cheerful design

The exterior of a ranch-style home is typically simple and understated, but it doesn’t have to be boring. You can simplify your home’s exterior design, include low-growing plants and shrubs and keep everything neatly organised. Even a single conspicuous detail will stand out perfectly in such a subtle setting. For instance, painting your home’s façade yellow will make it pop and give it cheerful, inviting appeal.

Symmetrical landscape arrangements

If you want to create a slightly formal look, you should aim for symmetry in your home’s exterior design. You can go with symmetrical landscape arrangements to create a sense of balance and harmony. However, accentuating symmetrical, clean lines can also help you add a touch of contemporary style to your ranch-inspired home. A symmetrical row of hedges can lead to your home while two columns can frame the entrance. This will help you create a balanced, clean and sleek look that will complement the overall home design. 

Updated doors for a new look

The front door is the focal point of your ranch-style home. Updating or completely replacing them will boost the curb appeal of your property instantly. However, other exterior doors can also affect the curb appeal of your home, especially if they are worn out. Therefore, installing new stylish wooden entry doors will elevate your home’s curb appeal and give it a new look. Although this update might require a bit more investment, it will definitely pay off. Aside from boosting the curb appeal of your property, it will also increase its value and enhance your home’s insulation by eliminating air leaks around old doors.

Mixed and matched materials for visual interest

Another great way to make your home’s exterior more appealing and interesting is to create a play of texture by mixing and matching different materials. This will create a particularly interesting effect if your house features a subtle, understated palette. For example, combining wood, brick and stucco siding will break up the monotonous look subtly.

Colourful accent details

Introducing a pop of colour is another simple, yet effective way to liven up your home’s exterior and boost its curb appeal. There are plenty of possible solutions that you can use, from letting colourful flowers add visual appeal to painting porch columns an interesting hue. You can also use shutters, trellises and other architectural elements to beautify your property.

Combined design styles

Just because you have a ranch-style home, it doesn’t mean that you can’t introduce touches of other styles, as well. You can introduce modern and contemporary elements to create a stunning, yet still complementary look. Whether you introduce modern exterior lighting fixtures or choose contemporary-style planters, you should still aim for balance. Just a few contrasting details will be enough to make a statement without creating a chaotic look.

The porch: stylish and impactful

Most ranch-style homes have small, yet beautiful front porches, so if you have one, too, make sure to accentuate it. You can create a beautiful look by adding an awning or building a pitched roof over your porch to create visual interest. You can also style up your porch by adding decorative railings, updating your hardware, clearing out clutter and placing potted plants.

A lovely patterned pathway

Adding an interesting pattern can also boost your home’s curb appeal by contrasting a simple, typically horizontal ranch-style design. What’s more, introducing a lovely pattern to your property can be quite simple. You can install enticing concrete pavers to create a patterned pathway. Whether you choose intricately patterned pavers or simply arrange plain ones in an interesting shape, this will truly style up your property.

Curved details for a stunning contrast

The ranch-style design typically features a lot of straight, simple lines, so why not spice things up a bit? You can juxtapose curved details with straight elements and create another striking contrast. You can use curved flowerbeds or line your pathway and lawn using curved lines. Rounding your bushes can also soften the straight edges of ranch-style exteriors.

A ranch-style home can be as beautiful as it is functional and enjoyable. You just need to implement these simple ideas and you’ll boost your home’s curb appeal instantly.


About the Author

Derek Lotts

Derek Lotts is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. He writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment. Follow Derek on Facebook, Twitter and Google+!

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