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Disguising Your One-Man Band as Something Bigger

Disguising Your One-Man Band as Something Bigger

Are you the only person that works for your business? If so, there is nothing wrong with this, but you may want to give the impression that your company is bigger so that you can give off a more professional image and create a greater sense of trust. While small companies are able to provide a more personal service, people often tend to trust bigger businesses. With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways to make your company look bigger than it is.

  1. Focus on improving your social media presence – One of the best ways to supersize your one-man band is to be more active on social media. Social media is one of the best ways to engage with customers, as it enables you to get closer than ever before. Thanks to the social media posting tools that are available today, you can schedule your posts, meaning you don’t have to physically sit at your computer on Twitter throughout the entire day.
  2. Get a central business address – You should consider taking advantage of one of the web service mail forwarding services that are available today. This enables you to benefit from a physical address while having the convenience of all of your post being sent to your email. This creates the sense that your business is bigger, as you can show that you are located at a prestigious business address, which is guaranteed to create a greater sense of trust in your company.
  3. Use larger invoice numbers – You can also make your business look bigger than it is by using larger invoice numbers. After all, if you simply put #8 at the top of your invoice, it looks like you have only been in operation for a matter of days. Instead, why not start at #1000, as #1008 will certainly make your business appear bigger than #8 does.
  4. Pay special attention to your website – The fourth and final tip for making your one-man band appear bigger is to focus on building a sleek, stylish and professional website. Your website says a lot about your business and your brand. After all, it is open 24/7 and usually the first point of call for most potential customers. If your website looks amateurish, then users are going to assume that this represents your business too. You should also make sure you include all of the essential information about your company and that you provide a number of contact options. You should have an online contact form or email address, as well as a phone number, at the minimum. If you don’t provide this, visitors may not trust your company, as they may worry that they will not be able to get in touch with you.

If you follow the four tips that have been provided above, you will be able to disguise your one-man band and make your business appear a lot bigger than it is. This is one of the best ways to attract more customers, as they will be more inclined to trust what you have to offer.

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