When you are injured or suffering from an illness that is preventing you from work there is always the looming issue of paying your medical expenses that have to be considered.
It is a sad fact that the majority of accident victims often lose many months of lost earnings while they recover from their injuries and there will be a percentage of these people who actually never get to return to their old job and life when the injuries sustained are permanent or disabling.
This financial pressure could make you vulnerable in all sorts of ways and you might even end up considering a lower settlement offer just to get your financial situation back on track.
You can learn more about what you can do in this scenario so that you make an informed decision and there will often be a way to find a solution that helps you recover financially as well as physically.
Shop around
If you are making a claim for compensation through a lawyer it will hopefully turn out right in the end when the case is settled and you manage to get some or all of the money you have to pay out, in the meantime, paid back to you.
While that is going on and your finances are tight because of a lack of regular income, a good strategy would be to shop around and search out the best prices for the medical care and attention you need.
It should be remembered that hospitals and doctors don’t all charge the same rates and some places could turn out to be much more expensive than another, without any discernable difference in the quality of care you receive.
If you have the freedom to take your custom to different medical establishments you could find that the savings you make are substantial in some cases, which will be a big help when money is a problem.
Ask for a discount
As the old adage goes, if you don’t ask, you don’t get, and you may well be surprised at what sort of discounts or special deals you are offered just for asking.
If you have some savings or have a lump sum that you are able to use for medical expenses it may be possible to negotiate a reduced rate for your treatment if you pay in advance.
It is quite a regular scenario where a hospital or doctor is prepared to give you a reduced rate for their service, especially if you don’t have medical insurance.
You are unlikely to get this option in an emergency situation but if you are having elective surgery or need ongoing treatment for a period of time it makes sense to ask for a discount and talk with your medical provider about your financial situation so that they might be prepared to assist.
A savvy way to get your medications
It all depends on the treatment you need for your injuries, but if you need to take regular medication at this point the cost of all those pills could soon add up over a reasonably short period of time.
When you first get given a prescription, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor whether they can supply you with some free samples to get you on your way without it costing you anything, to begin with.
Doctors tend to get given a lot of free samples by drug companies and it could be that you might be able to get what you need for free, for a short while at least.
Alternatively, bear in mind that there are often generic versions of branded medications and these can be substantially cheaper.
If you are savvy about it there is a reasonable chance that you could end up getting your medications at a price that you can just about afford.
Negotiate with the hospital
Going back to the worrying issue of paying your hospital bills when they are sent to you, the first thing to do is keep a calm head and call them to talk about how you might be able to pay the debt over a period of time.
If your financial circumstances do not give you the option of paying the bill immediately it is wise to get in touch with the medical provider straight away.
It is going to be much easier to sort out a payment plan if you are proactive and seek out a deal rather than wait for things to get heated and you are being chased for payment of the debt.
Once your account has been referred to a collection agency, which can happen in just a few months from when the bill is due, they are going to be less willing to do you a favorable repayment deal than if you were upfront about your problems and sorted it out straight away.
If you do have a cash sum available for medical expenses, ask for a lower settlement figure on the basis that you can make an immediate cash payment.
Get a loan
Finally, there are some organizations out there that can arrange to provide you with pre-settlement loans if the circumstances are a good fit and you meet their lending criteria.
This option could give you access to the money you need for medical expenses while an ongoing claim is settled in court, with the monies repaid once the matter has been finalized and a settlement agreed.
Getting access to the funds you need in this way could take the strain off your finances and let you focus on recovery rather than worrying all the time about how you are going to pay all your costs.
Covering your medical expenses while you are injured will always be a big concern but there are ways and means to alleviate the stress and get everything under control, allowing you the freedom to concentrate all of your efforts on getting better and returning to normal as quickly as possible.
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