When taking the reigns of new management, it’s not hard to feel no small amount of the titular impostor syndrome. Even if we have years of experience under our belt and a true passion for our job, entering any new company fresh-faced and yet with a great deal of responsibility can be worrying. No matter our professional competencies, we are all vulnerable to the worry of social condemnation, of not being afforded respect when it is vital to our jobs, or to have nothing new to say.
This means that you likely have an over-enthusiasm to fulfill your role to the utmost breadth that you can. For this reason, it’s very easy to go gung-ho and overstep your boundaries, to be overfamiliar with staff who may not know you from Adam, or to become quite forceful in your management style.
You may have a range of excellent ideas coming with you, such as using the best SEO firm to organically spread your message across the internet. But it’s also important to measure this with a careful approach. We hope the following advice can help:
Introduce Yourself
Before you begin to direct those under you, you need to introduce yourself carefully. Be sure to greet everyone with a handshake and a smile, and do your utmost to learn their names. You can achieve this by drawing up a plan of the seating plan in the office after meeting them, and writing their names down carefully. It’s also important to ask a second time if you need to. They will understand. Call a morning meeting and introduce yourself, your credentials, talk about some of your experience, how grateful you are to be there and also how enthusiastic you are to shake things up while keeping the core talent and creativity of the team respected. This should win you some positive feedback, and help you settle in.
Approach With New Ideas
A flagship idea can be a great means of helping your department know you mean business and are ready to take action immediately yet carefully. If you notice that the marketing department has been stagnant for some time, for example, you might decide to enact a better SEO solution using services such as Ignite Digital https://ignitedigital.com/service/search-engine-optimizationseo/. If you approach with new ideas, an action plan, a cost summary and a forecast, you can then collaborate with your team as the best way to implement this, and if charting better results will have proven yourself already.
Spend Time Orienting Yourself
If you are not familiar with the workflow suite used by said company, ensure you spend time getting up to speed. Do not be afraid to ask questions of your superiors, or ask those under you as to how things used to progress. When you have the clearest picture of everything here, your time can be carefully considered in the long run.
With this advice, you are certain to take the reigns of new management with a stronger grip.