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Tips for a Dog-Friendly Home

Tips for a Dog-Friendly Home

Every pet owner considers their furry friends a part of the family, and they would do anything to make their lives more comfortable. That’s why you should reconsider your home design to also feel pleasant for your pooch. Turning your home into a dog-friendly house is not an expensive task. You only need a couple of little changes and touch-ups. Let’s take a look.

protect your floors

Protect your floors

If you let your dog run around the house every day just know that your floors will be exposed to a lot of wear and tear. Hard floors like tiles are a great option because they can’t be scratched, plus your dog will love napping on them during hot summer days. It’s best to avoid carpets. They harbour a lot of bacteria and dog fur, and will also retain that recognizable doggy smell over time. Wood flooring is also a good choice (hardwood especially) but make sure you keep your dog’s nails neatly trimmed to avoid scratching. Also, avoid high-impact play on hard floors to prevent potential injuries. If your pet just can’t resist a good chase around the house, put down some throw rugs that can be easily washed. 

Be smart with storage

If your dog is a heavy chewer, a trouble-maker or just a puppy in its destructive stage, closed storage will save your precious possessions from being broken or ripped to pieces. Look around your home and put away everything you think could be fun to chew. Tall credenza and closed cabinets are some of the handy solutions. Also, make sure to protect your pets from all hazardous chemicals such as home cleaning products, pesticides, fertilizers and other things potentially toxic for your pooch. Cabinets with latches will keep them out of pet’s reach.

Go for non-toxic plants

Some indoor plants can be very toxic to dogs and other house pets. If ingested, toxic plants can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, kidney or liver failure, coma, respiratory paralysis and even death, so make sure to check if your houseplants are hazardous for your dog.

Install ramps for small breeds

Small breeds can have trouble jumping on and off high surfaces like your sofa or your armchair. If you want to prevent back and joint injuries, you might want to consider installing ramps and stairs to tall furniture your toy dog is allowed on.

dog-friendly colours

First of all, avoid white. No matter how hard you try, white furniture will always get dirty. Opt for patterns and darker colours instead which will hide stains and fur. Leather is also a good choice since it can be easily wiped clean. Additionally, consider getting some throws for your furniture. They are cheap, easy to wash and a great way to add both colour and protection. However, if you love your couch just the way it is, you can get your pooch a dog bed and make your sofa a ‘pet-free area’. Pet shops have a wide variety of dog beds in different sizes, shapes, colours and materials. Your pup will love it.


Drool-proof your walls

Large breed dogs such as Mastiffs, Saint Bernards and Newfoundlanders are well-known droolers and messy eaters. If you don’t want to repaint your walls every year, opt for a type of paint that can be wiped and cleaned without coming off. It’s also smart to designate one spot in the house for mealtimes that can be easily cleaned.

As you can see, dog-proofing your home is not difficult at all. Yes, it’s going to be a bit messier and it might need some more vacuuming, but it’s a small price to pay for a chance to share your home with your pet.

About the author

Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to latest DIY projects and home design. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family. Follow Diana on Google Plus and Twitter to read more of Diana’s writing.

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