Unemployment may be at an all-time low in the US, but that doesn’t mean jobs are falling out of the sky. If you’re in the market for a new position, you’re still going to need to work hard to get it.
That means fine-tuning your skills, polishing up your CV and acing that interview when you get it.
The interview is possibly the most difficult of these steps. Apart from dealing with your nerves and feeling self-conscious trying to sell your skills, you’ve got to come across as confident without seeming cocky.
Here’s your guide on what to say in an interview to help create the right impression.
What to Say in an Interview if You Want to Succeed
It’s great to have a good idea about what you’re going to say to a potential employer beforehand. It’s also important that you don’t sound like you’ve rehearsed your lines.
Keep these suggestions in mind and try to include them naturally at appropriate times.
Be Polite
It’s very important to create a good first impression. Greet your interviewer cordially and thank them for taking the time to meet with you.
Likewise, express your thanks after the interview and say something like, “It’s been a pleasure meeting you.” Basic good manners make a big impression.
Show You Know Your Stuff
Mention some snippets of information that you’ve researched about the company beforehand. A good way to work this into the conversation is to ask questions related to your background research.
Explain Yourself
Again, if you’ve done your research, it shouldn’t be difficult to outline why you think you’d be a good match for the job. Ask questions to convey that you’re eager to learn more and willing to put in the work.
Interview No-No’s
The difficulty with interviews is the fine line between arrogance and confidence. Try not to come across as cocky or flippant. If you have a sarcastic sense of humor, nows the time to rein it in.
Don’t Bad Mouth Your Old Job
Keep your opinions about your current or previous employer to yourself, no matter how much you dislike them. A good go-to, when asked why you’re leaving or left, is to say you’re ‘looking for growth’ or ‘need a change of scenery’. No more.
Be Honest
Even though there are awesome online CV creators available today, don’t go overboard.
Stick to the most important aspects of your qualifications. Avoid embroidering the facts with half-truths. Getting caught in a lie will not help your cause.
Be humble, you should not mention that your 5-year plan is to take over the company.
A Final Word on Interviews
While there’s no doubt you’re looking for a job as a way to earn money, don’t ask about perks and salary right away. You’ll come across as greedy and self-centered. Rather focus on what you can do for your new employer instead. Another thing you can do is familiarize yourself with behavioral interview questions and how they are used to evaluate you.
Now that you know what to say in an interview and what not to say, the only thing left to do is to get out there and make it happen. Good luck with your future job searches.