Every homeowner should choose tools and gadgets with care because these products will make the home maintenance process a lot easier. There are always several things consider, including your budget, the purpose of a tool and the brand. Purchasing quality equipment will lower the safety risks, but it will also help you improve your performance.
A garden hose is one of the most common equipment most homeowners posses. Instead of grabbing the first one you notice in your hardware store, you should determine what type do you need and for what purposes. There are various types of garden hoses on the market, but if you take into consideration measurements and quality, you will be able to find the perfect product that will serve you for a long time.
Determine the length
One of the most important factors that will help you determine what hose do you need to buy is its length. The length of a garden hose varies between seven and thirty meters, which is why you need to measure the distance between the water source and the area you need to water. If you don’t have to take care of a large property, the best option would be to purchase a short garden hose. It won’t take up a lot of your storage space, but you’d still be able to use it to water the green area on your property. Larger hoses can be useful too, but they’re heavy, and they take up a lot of storage space. They’re also difficult to drain, which can cause a lot of trouble during colder days.
Hose diameter
The measurements you’d see on the packaging represent the inside diameter of the hose you want to purchase. It’s vital to remember that larger diameters will provide stronger water flow. If you only need a hose to water your plants, 1,5cm diameters are the best options on the market for you. However, if you want to attach your hose to a sprinkler, you will need to opt for a larger diameter.
The materials
You can either find garden hoses made of vinyl, rubber, or a combination of the two. Some gardeners prefer vinyl hoses because they’re more affordable, and they’re also easy to carry around the yard. However, if you don’t take proper care of them, you will have to purchase a new model pretty soon. Vinyl hoses are prone to cracking and splitting, and if you leave them in the sun for too long, you will notice more serious damage. They can’t withstand harsh weather, which is why you’d always have to keep them in your storage room when not in use.
On the other hand, rubber hoses are more durable, and they’re a lot easier to bend and move around. They’re strong and long-lasting, but they can also be quite heavy and pricey. But, if the quality of your garden tools matters to you a lot, you should opt for a rubber hose. It won’t fall apart if you leave it in the garden during the summer days but it will be able to carry hot water and serve you well for many years. Combinations of different materials do have good qualities, but the best option would be to purchase a rubber hose. It may be expensive, but your investment will pay off.
Types and special features
There are various hose types on the market, and you should find the one that fits your needs the best. If you don’t know what type is best for you, you should contact your local gardeners because they will be able to give you more information and maybe even solid advice. Determine your needs first. Some people need hoses because they need a drinkable water supply in their backyard, and others want to take better care of their organic plants. These factors will determine whether you need a hose with special features and what type is the best for your garden. Smart garden hose with special features is usually more expensive but don’t hesitate to invest because it can be of great use.
The best solution is to find a flexible garden hose, especially if you have to keep it in your storage space for a while. But, if the hose is too flexible, it will be prone to cracks and splitting. If you can, try to test the materials. Bend the garden hose, and find another one if it kinks. If you can’t test it in person, you should avoid vinyl hoses. They will break faster, and you will have to find them a replacement after a few months.
It’s advisable not to go to the store and pick the first hose you see without testing it or consulting the staff. People who work in your local hardware store can give you more information about what type of hose is the most popular and what brand is the best. However, if it’s more convenient to order them online, be more careful with your selection.
About the Author

Neil White
Neil White is an automotive&travel journalist from Sydney. Neil was into cars since he can remember, and road trips are his greatest childhood memory. Combining journalism and traveling is something that he was dreaming about, so now he is considering himself a really happy person.