If you are aspiring writer or want to take your blog to the next level, then you may have been doing so alongside a day job. But if you want to take the next step, then you need to know what the next steps are to take. Quitting your job to be a freelancer can be a pretty daunting prospect. You want to know that you have a way to match or exceed the income that you’re currently earning. And let’s face it, that can be a scary thought. But if you have decided to take the leap, then here are some things to think about and be prepared for. Then you can start off being self-employed with a good start.
Get a Website
If you want to be found for different job prospects, then having a website is a must. You have a blog already, but it can be a good idea to have a new page all about your writing or copywriting services. People can find you and see what you do. Having a contact page is a must too!
Create Your Portfolio
If you want to be ready to take on clients, then you need to have a portfolio of work to demonstrate. They may want to see previous work or things you have worked on. Of course, your own blog can be an example of that. But being able to say that you’re a HuffPost blogger, for example, brings with it a certain level of credibility. So look for opportunities to write and build your portfolio, even if to start with, it is unpaid.
Set a Work Schedule
If you are going to be working from home, then it can be such a nice change from the nine to five and getting out of a traditional office. With that in mind, it can be tempting to enjoy plenty of sleeping in and lounging around as you would have never been able to do that previously. The great thing is, you can work your own hours. So as long as you’re ready to work by a time of your choosing, then it can be pretty flexible. But set a routine and stick to it. Flexibility is good when you need it, but getting the work done and reaching out to new clients is important too.
Create a Conducive Work Environment
Working from home is brilliant. But it does bring with it some dos and don’ts as you want to create an environment that is conducive to working and getting thing done. Decide which room you will use, and make sure that it has everything that you need. It is also a good idea to check things like your wifi connection and your home insurance, to check that everything will be covered. When your home becomes your office, you’ll want to protect your home business as much as you can. So do some research and take the time to create an environment that will encourage you to work and not distract you.
Are there any other tips or tricks that you can think of? Would love to add them to the list.