Whether you are new mom or you are already juggling a couple of teenagers, you know how hard it is to fit in a fitness routine into what is, to say the least, a hectic schedule. It is important that you keep in mind that your health should come first, and an active lifestyle will give you energy to be the kind of mom you want to be for your kids.
With the holidays already on the way it is important to plan ahead and get that fitness regiment sketched out for 2018. This article contains specific tips to help moms keep in shape and maintain their energy level all through the upcoming year.
Make time for yourself
This is the most important factor. You need to make a habit of putting some time aside to devote to healthy nutrition and exercise. The best time for moms is usually early in the morning when the kids are still asleep, that way you can get your exercise done without losing any mommy and me time. In addition, during the day your schedule as a busy mom tends to get changed up a lot, and it is hard to keep to the exercise plan. In order to get some additional drive, you could choose the exercises you like the most and start your regimen with that, just make sure you do them to the max, so slacking is not permitted. Of course healthy nutrition is important but you cannot obtain your goals without breaking a sweat.
Stop tasting the food so much
Yes, you know you are doing it. All those chocolate chip cookies that you make, how much dough have you tasted to check if it is sweet enough. And let’s not get started on mac and cheese and pizza toppings. Be strong, once is enough, just to make sure the ingredients levels are just right. If you haven’t noticed you are doing it, just pay attention next time you get into a baking mood. This is one of the main causes moms get those lovely love handles, but you know, you still have to provide you kids with a best possible nutrition, and you can sneak a treat or two along the way.
Don’t forget to treat yourself
Motivation is key, and if nothing else works a bit of shopping might do the trick. Start by getting some new fitness clothing, whether it’s a nice pair of tights or a sports bra. It will definitely get you in an exercise mood, and as you already know, some wardrobe additions are always a good thing. You can also include some fashionable water bottles or a pair of pink sneakers, whatever gets you out of bed an hour early and right into the fitness mood. And if you want some additional motivation, get an expensive dress or a pair of pants a dress size smaller, and make sure that in a few weeks they fit you like a glove.
Get your family involved
If sticking to a fitness plan seems too hard, you can make it a 2018 family resolution. So get your partner and your kids on board, tell them you need their help getting into shape. You could go for hikes or power walks, visit the beach or just spend some quality time having fun in the park. As long as you keep active. These type of activities can be great for your family dynamics and are the perfect way for you all to spend time together, while still making a positive stride towards a healthier lifestyle.
Finally we come to some great dieting advice
Drink more water! Bet you haven’t heard that one before. Just kidding, hydration is important but there are several other elements you need to include in order to keep your body in shape.
As a mom, you need to set an example for your kids, so try to eat as many greens as you can, yes even broccoli. Don’t forget about the fibers, and squeeze a carb or two from time to time. In order to make sure you stick to the right nutrition you can create a weekly meal plan. It doesn’t have to match what your family usually eats. Try preparing yourself a separate dish on those calorie-rich family dinner days.
There you have it, some great tips on how to get your fitness on in 2018 while still wearing the super mom tile.