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A Leap Of Faith And How A Change Of Career May Change Your Life

A Leap Of Faith And How A Change Of Career May Change Your Life

Not all of us are fortunate enough to know what we want to do with our lives when we leave school. Often this means that we can avoid further education or perhaps just study something we have an interest in rather than it being a long term career option. We can fall into a line of work, that becomes ours career naturally, but is it really what you want to do for the rest of your life? Chances are it isn’t. So if you are now wanting to take that leap of faith Andy change your career, you may be wondering how to do it? I thought I would share with you some of the things to consider. You never know it could change your life.

Think about what you want to do

One of the first things to think about would be what you want to do with your life now that you have decided a change of career is on the horizon. It isn’t an easy decision to make, but think back not why you started to feel this way in the first place? Were you presented with a career option that you thought you might be good at? Did you suddenly see what you are passionate about? Is it now the time to think about what skills you have and what you could be doing to utilise them? Thinking about what you want to do will help you make the next steps.

It may not always be easy to apply so use your initiative

You now need to find the potential job opportunity. Many jobs are listed as available on job search websites but sometimes you need to use your own initiative to find them. You need to think about the companies who may recruit For that’s kind of job, send direct messages and emails to ask about who to get in touch with. Sometimes these jobs may not be directly advertised, but this could help you be aware of them when they do become available.

Work on your resume

Your resume is your change to make an impression on paper, and it can be what people use to decide upon whether they will see you face to face for an interview. So you do need to ensure that you take the time to work on it and make it the best it can be. If this isn’t your strong point, then websites like have some great templates that you could use to help you create the ideal resume for you.

Make a decent first impression

Finally, once your foot is through the door then you need to ensure that you make a decent first impression. This means taking into account the things that you are wearing, as well as the way you present yourself, you speak and your mannerisms. You want people to warm to you and hopefully employ you for the job.

I hope that these tips help you to make that change in your career.

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