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Modern Business 101: Making The Most Of Temporary Pop Up Stores

Modern Business 101: Making The Most Of Temporary Pop Up Stores

The modern business world is changing. Brick and mortar stores are struggling unlike ever before due to a host of reasons, including the economy and online selling. However, pop up stores have become an increasingly popular option for startups and established brands alike.

Their benefits are plentiful. They offer a cost-effective solution, allow for versatility, and provide mobility like never before. Still, if you’re going to take advantage of this opportunity, you’ll need to do it in the right manner. Here are five crucial pointers that will serve you well:

  • Be creative with the design and layout of the store. It needs to stand out from the crowd to attract passing trade regardless of where you are located. A customized neon logo, banners or on street demo’s are all affective ways of attracting attention. In addition to short-term contracts in the mall, you could look at turning shipping containers into your store. This is a great option for those wanting to tour different locations over a period of months. When you take this option, quirky layouts and funky designs are sure to bring people to your site.
  • Always make the transactions easy for the client. There’s nothing worse than losing a sale due to an unnecessary barrier surrounding payment. When you accept credit card payments with Total Merchant Services, those hurdles disappear. If you are handling cash payments, it’s crucial to have a float with the right change at all times. Otherwise, you may lose sales and customers despite the products being exactly what they want. This is not an area where you can afford to make errors.
  • Try to merge the offline venture with online elements for sustained success. The fact that it can create a greater wow factor is sure to make a major impact on client opinions. Furthermore, it encourages them to keep using the brand once the pop up store has moved on. This gives you the best shot at immediate real world sales followed by ongoing web transactions. This can only be considered a recipe for long-term success, and will vindicate your decision to start the store.
  • Hire the right staff. Your team of employees is likely to be quite small. However, this increases the need for every member to play their part. Finding temporary retail staff from SaSR Link can make a big impact. With the right team behind you, the conversion rates will soar while individual clients may spend more too. When customers have a positive experience of the pop up store, it’ll aid your chances of turning them into followers of the brand too. This is the exact outcome you deserve.
  • Know your audience. While pop up stores give you a chance to reach new demographics, you’ll still have a target market. As such, you should never step too far away from the ideal consumer profile. Going too broad and generic will inevitably discourage people from using the business. Similarly, your hopes of impressing outside audiences will remain slim. It’s always better to thrive in a small pond than sink in a big one. Appreciate your place in the market, and you won’t go far wrong.

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