It’s not enough to have a website and hope for the best with people finding it and using it regularly; you need to have the right steps in place for traffic to find its way to our content, products, and services. Driving traffic most definitely requires more than just good content to draw people in. Often building an audience and keeping them takes hard work and dedication.
Have a look here at this quick guide for increasing traffic to your website:
Think About Your Titles
Yes, having engaging content is an essential way to driving more traffic to your website, but if an attention-grabbing headline doesn’t support your content, most people will overlook it and move on to other areas of the web probably with much more exciting titles. There is already an abundance of people trying to promote their content online, so to get the views on yours, you need to work on grabbing their attention right from the start. You should be considering using tools such as keyword research in Google Search Console to identify what your consumers are already searching for. Making sure you are applying SEO throughout any content is a must.
Engaging Images
It’s no secret that people like to have a visual when looking around online, that’s why having engaging images that attract attention to your website is what you should be aiming for. The right image can speak for itself and can often draw someone in before the title or content. You should see the images you use as an extension of your content and company values, so your consumers gather an idea of what to expect from your actual website. Make sure you are always using images in the right situations too, they should be relevant, and if applied to break up text they need to relate to the article or product/service description you are speaking about. There are numerous stock image websites that you can use, where you can search for relevant and creative images.
Use Social media
It’s become evident that using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are now crucial to the success of a website. If you’re not already, you should be taking advantage of these platforms, especially seen as the majority are free to use. Social media can get move very fast, so it’s highly important you understand that a constant presence is essential for making sure you don’t get lost and left behind. It’s best to find a few platforms that work well for you and link them together to show similar content and almost loop together to show consistency between them and your website. As social media is so time-consuming, a lot of businesses decide to outsource. The ideal bit about this is that there is now a massive array of social media specialists or freelancers to choose from.
This is only a quick guide to get you started on the path to increasing your traffic to your website. Do you have any hints or tips that you use to do this? Please share them in the comments section below.