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The A-Team: Promoting Teamwork With Your Employees

The A-Team: Promoting Teamwork With Your Employees

Does your team actually feel like a team? If your business thrives on collaboration, then you need your team to feel like they are a unit. But, this is rarely the case. As a business owner, you need your colleagues to feel like they are open and honest with each other, so you need to find little ways to create a sense of unity between everyone. How can you do this?

Reinforcing The Brand

This is a little something to remind your colleagues on a regular basis that they are all under one roof and part of the same team regardless of their position. Something like mugs or name tags that bear the business brand or logo are useful in this respect because they are small, but not overwhelming, they serve as gentle reminders that everyone belongs as one team. It certainly can help those that don’t feel part of the system to be a bit more focused on the purpose of their job. So when we see our business brand, or image or logo, this will help to focus your staff a little bit more.

Communicating The Common Goal

Communication is always the most important aspect of doing business. By reinforcing the idea of teamwork, and the purpose of this teamwork, this will help to spur on productivity with every member of staff. If you make the mistake of not being transparent, by not informing them what their duties are with regards to the bigger picture, then your staff don’t have the motivation to keep working. The common goal and the bigger picture are things that your workers need to see. If they don’t, then they just feel like they are one piece of a puzzle that they don’t know the solution to.

Team Building

Some people roll their eyes when they hear the words “team building exercises”, but it doesn’t have to be everybody paddling in a kayak somewhere. Instead, depending on the style of your business, simple socializing may do the trick. Keeping your workers communicating with each other is about implementing a more solid bond between people. So, depending on your attitude towards a team night out, this could be a great way to break the ice between people who rarely see each other, or you could let your staff finish an hour earlier on a Friday so they can socialize.

Employee Feedback

While you may be in the position to give feedback to your employees on a regular basis, do they give you feedback? If not, this is a good idea, because it will certainly give you a better picture of what’s going down on the shop floor. You can do this by having people fill out employee feedback forms, or you could ask people in person. But, beware with this approach, because people may want to impress you by saying “everything is fine” when it actually isn’t. This doesn’t serve the purpose of you improving your business.

Making your team feel like a team is very hard work, but once you have cracked it, this means far more communication, better relationships in a personal and professional sense, and the business will benefit in so many different ways.

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