While divorce is one of the hardest things for any family member, a heated custody battle can make it even more unbearable. When couples split, sometimes there are disagreements about what would work best for the children. If your former spouse is refusing to budge on giving you more custody, all hope is not lost. Instead of getting mad or trying to get even, you’ve got to focus on proving why your children need their father just as much as they need their mother. Here are some helpful ways you can help increase your chances of getting joint custody.
Gather Evidence
First, focus on gathering evidence. You’ll need to have concrete evidence of your commitment to your children. This means looking through text messages, calendars, photographs, videos, social media, and more to document evidence of your involvement and strong connection to your children throughout their lives. In the most heated of custody battles, you can also consider bringing in experts to testify about your ability to be a positive co-parent.
Be Respectful
Next, you’ve got to demonstrate respectful behavior to your former spouse during this time. Avoid saying anything argumentative to her because anything you say could be brought up during the custody hearing. Don’t worry about getting back at her if you’re feeling slighted and angry about the split. Focus on meeting the children’s needs and doing what is best for them. Most of all, never say anything negative about your children’s mother in front of the kids.
Attend Your Children’s Events
To secure joint custody and be a presence in your children’s lives, you also have to prove your commitment. One way to do this is to consistently attend your children’s events, such as school plays, recitals, concerts, conferences, sports games, practices, doctor’s appointments, and more. Document everything with photographs, videos, or logs to prove to the court that you take your role as a father seriously.
Always Pay Child Support
No matter what happens, you must also be consistent in paying child support if needed. Don’t let your children go without their basic needs by withholding payment to your former spouse. Some fathers wait until getting a court order to start paying child support, but your former partner and your children may struggle financially with paying for everything if you go this route, making you look heartless.
Avoid Missing Visitation
If you want to demonstrate your commitment to your children, you should also never miss your parenting time or visitation. Your former spouse will most likely be logging the times you miss if you end up skipping some parenting time, making it harder for you to prove you want more time with your kids. Your actions can prove your intentions if you consistently have parenting time with your children.
Hire a Skilled Attorney
For any divorce, it’s also essential to have a trusted law firm by your side, such as Cordell & Cordell. This is a law firm that specializes in helping fathers get what is rightfully theirs during heated custody battles and divorces. Talented lawyers at firms like Cordell and Cordell can help dads determine the best plan of action to secure joint custody during a divorce with children.
Plan for the Future
Finally, you can demonstrate your commitment as a father by showing the court you have a plan for the future for your children. You should have a room set up for the kids in your home, be a regular participant in the children’s daily routine, and be ready to support them in their future endeavors. This way, you can prove to your court that your constant presence is vital to their health and emotional well-being.
Your children’s future depends on you being there and securing joint custody during a tough divorce. It’s important to be prepared to show why you should be an equal part in raising your children.