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What’s Holding Your Business Website Back?

What’s Holding Your Business Website Back?

Yes, yes, yes: if you have a business, then you’ll know the importance of having a business website. But here’s the thing: it’s not enough to simply have a website for your company. The site has to work for you — it has to help push your venture forward, in various ways. It should tell people about what you offer. It should incite sales. It should inspire trust and confidence in your business. And of course, those things don’t just happen. But let’s forget about the things that your website can do for you — let’s look at some of the ways your website can hold you back. It can happen in more ways than one! Take a look below, and make sure that they’re not part of your website. 

Lack of Focus

One of the more common problems businesses have with their online presence is that they try to do too many things. They try to be everything for everyone! And that’s just not possible. You’re not going to get everyone interested in your business, it’s just never going to happen. Instead, you should be targeting the people who you know will be more likely to be interested. You’ll determine this during the market research part of your business development plan. A website that’s focused towards retirees will look and feel much differently to one that targeted at millennials, for instance. 

Where The People Are 

However, even if you design your website with the people in mind, there’s a chance that you still struggle to get all the benefits that a solid business website can bring. It’ll be next to impossible to find success if people don’t know that you’re there. As such, it’s important that you’re focusing on your website’s SEO. The bulk of people use Google (and other search engines) to get to where they need to go on the web. If you’re not getting as much online success as you’d like (or expect), then work with a company that can offer a technical SEO audit. It’ll highlight where you’re going wrong, and how you can put things right. 

Hard to Navigate

But let’s say you’ve got streams of people visiting your site, but engagement, including sales, is minimal. What could be the problem? Well, there could be issues with your products and pricing, but let’s assume that this aspect of your business is fine. It could be that your website is too complicated. People might be interested in giving you business, but they can’t navigate the website, or the checkout process is too mystifying. When it comes to your website, it’s important that you don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Keep things simple.

Slow Moving

Finally, make sure your website works well. This means checking that it’s speedy and well-presented on all operating systems and web browsers. Some websites are really slow on some computers, for instance, and this makes them impossible to use. Always keep in mind that people aren’t so patient these days, especially when they’re online.

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