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Fostering Creativity in Your Kids 101

Fostering Creativity in Your Kids 101

Curiosity comes as second nature to children. As they grow up and get to know the world around them, they’re constantly going to be full of mind-numbing questions just waiting to leave you speechless and without a better answer than I don’t know, what do you think? That’s the perfect way to start sparkling their creativity which comes hand in hand with curiosity. Contrary to popular belief, living in the 21st century won’t deprive your children of creative activities. On the contrary, you as a parent can be the biggest contributor in helping their creative side come to the surface.

Promote reading and fine arts activities

Reading has always been one of the best ways to let your imagination run wild. If your child is still not old enough to read, make sure you introduce bedtime stories that you’ll read to them. That way, once they’re old enough to read, they’ll be motivated to look for entertainment in books. Encourage them to read for pleasure and participate in the arts. Making room for creative activities like rehearsing a play, learning to draw, or reading books will be much better than allowing them to lounge in front of the TV or a computer for several hours.

Give them free time and space

Giving the kids enough space to explore their imaginations is of the essence for their creativity sparkling. Let them spend a few idle hours at home and see where their mind will take them. Don’t try to schedule all the activities for them, but wait to see what sparks their interest. If they’re going to ask to read, draw, or make something out of clay or paper. Have kid-friendly safety scissors ready for them to enjoy their arts and crafts time if they feel like spending time making something. Let the children roam aimlessly around the house and reach out for whatever their mind wants to enjoy.  

Encourage them to form their own opinions

Give children the opportunity to express their own opinions by letting them disagree with you. Inspire them to find more than one way to a solution, and more than one answer to a problem. Once they have successfully solved the problem, ask them to solve it again in a different manner. They should take a different route and come to the same solution. Then ask them to come up with more solutions to the same problem.

Trigger their curiosity

Children will learn most from their parents. You’re the role model of the house and the one who should point them out in the right direction. So, it’s your responsibility to trigger their curiosity when you see they need a bit of boost in the area. For instance, take a napkin after dinner and take turns around the table coming up with all the things a napkin could be. Is it a hat? Maybe it can be a beard or a mask even? Why not see it as a sculpture or a puppet? Ask your kids open-ended questions about stuff they create. Instead of asking, “What did you make?” after they’re done with their project, take a different approach and ask the kid to tell you the story behind the figure they made or a drawing they drew. “What do these colours make you feel like? What are your favourite lines in this picture?” are just some of the questions that will allow the kids to think bigger and come up with a story of their own.

Give them access to apps

While many parents believe the apps on smartphones are not the best company for the kids, we prove them wrong. In the sea of apps, not all of them are made for kids to shut their brains and mindlessly tap the screen. Some of them make them think, create and spark their imagination. That’s why you should allow your kids to use apps that allow them to draw, write stories, make videos, take photos, create artwork, play music, or build their own worlds. Even games like Minecraft and Terraria are great for kid’s entertainment and creativity.

When you think it’s time to help your child discover their inner creative side, some of the previously mentioned tips will work best. Always be there to support your kid and offer them help in whichever field is necessary. With so many resources available, you’ll have no trouble fostering creativity in your little ones.