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How To Craft A Blog Topic For Your Next Blog Post?

How To Craft A Blog Topic For Your Next Blog Post?

Nowadays, coming up with a blog topic to write about is easy since there is so much research that can be found related to the niche with the advent of technology. This research helps us to expand our understanding of the topic that we want to write about.

Do you also wonder why most people are able to write so many articles in just a single topic?  It’s not just because they have the writing skills, but simply because of their passion to their subject.  I bet there are points in time where ideas flow so much and it’s overwhelming.  Though for some, it could be the other way around – a point in time where they’re lacking creativity and don’t know which direction to go or start with.  

In order to be successful in writing, it all boils down on how important it is to choose the right niche at the very start.  It also helps with SEO.  You sure have a clue of the exact keywords your audience is searching for and what they can expect to see in your content. Besides, it’s really fun.

Having a niche lets you get more organic traffic and a better understanding on what to write about on your next blog.  Try to put yourself in your readers’ shoes on what topics should go next after reading your previous post.  It is important that you understand of what your audience really wants to know next or what your audience needs.

You can also write something a little bit off the topic but you have to make sure it’s related to what your readers want to get answers of.

I have listed below types of blog posts and ideas to help you to quickly get an idea of what to come up with.

  1. Like probing, start by creating a very important relevant Question.
  2. Write a rundown Review and give your point of view, maybe promotional to your product by crafting stories that connect and sell.
  3. Create a step by step tutorials that answers relevant How-to’s and walk them through solutions and give them some helpful answers.
  4. Listicles are popular – a blog lingo that means “list + articles” a simple guide or an essential guide that are easy to follow, and who doesn’t love reading listicles right?
  5. Provide Resources or Links of things you best recommend and share them why.
  6. Write an answer about your page’s FAQ– frequently asked questions.
  7. Similar to listicles, you can also write an essential Checklists and To-dos types of list.
  8. Send out a Poll, Survey or a Quiz filled with questions and gather their responses.
  9. Round up Interviews with influencers about your topic.
  10. Inspirational Quotes for your industry or to live by
  11. Photo Showcase of your travel experience, events or a controversial story.
  12. Tell or share a Story of a recent event or a personal experience.

Figuring out your blog topic ideas shouldn’t be a struggle anymore, just use them and it will help you trigger your creative mind for great blogging.

 Always remember the importance of writing a posts that establishes your credibility and expertise. Your audience have their own way of doing their thing but they will surely consider you for other opportunities down the road.

How about sharing us your idea below and comment!

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