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Tips for People Traveling to Singapore

Tips for People Traveling to Singapore

Singapore is one of the most popular touristic destinations at the moment. More and more people opt to visit this exotic island city in Asia, and it’s for a good reason as Singapore caters to everyone’s needs. It is famous for its cleanliness, green gardens and high tech advancements, but it’s also a place where you can find anything you would like to eat or try out. However, if you opt to visit Singapore this year, there are some tips and tricks that you should know beforehand.

Be respectful

The first thing that you should bear in mind is that Singapore is a bit more conservative, so you should be respectful to people as much as possible. Avoid subjects like religion, sexual orientation or politics, mostly because Singaporeans are very diverse, so you might insult someone without wanting to. Remember to take your shoes off before entering someone’s house, and know that it’s common courtesy to ask someone for permission before taking a photo of them.

Eat cheap Michelin-starred food

eating Singapore

Eating at a Michelin-starred meal for a small price may sound impossible, but anything is possible in Singapore. If you get tired from running around the city and taking photos of different buildings and sights, you can always drop by the Amoy Street Food Center. They serve some of the best and most delicious foods in the city, and it’s not expensive at all. By checking this place out, you will get the chance to eat Michelin-starred dishes at reasonable prices. The only thing you should worry about is the queue as it can get quite long.

Find the best accommodation

The accommodation in Singapore can be both cheap and expensive, depending on the time you are booking your accommodation and the type of accommodation you are looking for. Even though some hotels are incredibly luxurious and high-end (meaning quite expensive) there are many that are quite affordable and worth the money you pay for. This means that if you want to find a good and affordable hotel in Singapore, do your homework first and see which one suits you best. Take the location and the vicinity of the hotel in mind, as well. Of course, you can also opt for different Airbnb options.

Dress appropriately

shop at Singapore

There is no dress code in Singapore – you are free to wear whatever you want as there are no cultural restrictions that you need to follow. Therefore, your attire will be strongly influenced by the climate. Singapore is hot most of the time throughout the year, so you will have to bring your spring or summer clothes. However, rainfall is sometimes present there, especially in November and December, so if you’re visiting Singapore sometime at the end of a year, make sure to bring raincoats and something a bit warmer.

Always carry cash

Singapore is definitely a modern city, but don’t think that every single shop takes credit cards. Most of the places in Singapore accept plastics, but there are some that accept only cash, so it would be a good thing to always have some cash in your wallet. This is especially important if you are visiting any street markets and hawker centers.

Be cautious with cigarettes and gum

It might sound silly, but you really need to be careful with cigarettes and gum. Smoking is, for example, illegal in most places in Singapore, so never smoke in public and be careful where you throw those buds. The police are very serious about this crime, so bear this in mind unless you have an extra $1000 to spend on the fine. On the other hand, chewing gum is both rude and illegal there. Having gum in your pocket and especially smacking gum can cost you up to $1000. This is how the government ensures the cleanliness of the city.

As you can see, you cannot go to Singapore unprepared. There are these small things that you need to have in mind as it can literally save your life (or your wallet as seen in the last tip). Learn this by heart, take everything you need with you and have a great trip!

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