Having a great smile boosts one’s confidence and in most cases, it’s easily noticeable. It can affect their social interactions and relationships, and it can improve their overall health. Knowing the importance of healthy teeth is not always enough for improving your oral health, but having the means to do so is always a good start. There are some effective and simple steps we can all easily follow, so keep reading to learn how to make your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful.
Visit a dentist
As we get older, having a great smile becomes more and more difficult to achieve. As we age, our teeth are at more risk of dental problems, some of which can really make our health deteriorate and complicate our lives. Unhealthy gums, thinning enamel, gingivitis, cavities, and dental pulp diseases are just some of the more common threats. With that in mind, the best way to stay on top of your oral health is to visit your dentist regularly. Health guidelines recommend going to the dentist at least once every six months. That is the case for people who are not experiencing any problems, but if you are feeling any discomfort or pain, book an appointment at the first sign of a problem. When it comes to Australia, according to a study conducted in 2008, people who visit public dentists have higher levels of dental decay than Australians in general do. That can be due to many different reasons but the fact remains the same, public dentists have less time to dedicate to each patient. Therefore, finding a reliable dentist in Sydney has become essential for oral health.
Establish a good oral hygiene routine
Let’s be honest, knowing how to maintain a good oral hygiene and actually maintaining it are two completely different things. There are so many things we all have to do during the day that our oral hygiene often seems like a waste of time. But it is not! Having a good oral hygiene routine and sticking to it is crucial for your health. According to health guidelines, people should brush their teeth at least twice a day. However, if you have time, brush your teeth after every meal. The toothbrush you use should have rounded soft bristles to ensure you are not damaging the enamel of your teeth. Flossing should also be a part of your daily routine. Cleaning those hard to reach spaces between your teeth is impossible in any other way. It should be done at night before going to bed. That way, you will make sure your teeth are as clean as they could possibly be and that you are not going to bed with all the bacteria that developed in your mouth during the day. You should also use mouthwash at least once a week.
Drink plenty of water
Saliva is what keeps the tooth enamel protected. It is mostly made of water so when saliva production is slower, drinking water will restore the moisture. Your salivary flow changes throughout the day depending on your habits and your diet. People who tend to breathe through their mouth or have blocked nasal passages will have lower mouth moisture. But even with a normal salivary flow, drinking water is beneficial for keeping your mouth flora healthy. It keeps the moisture up, cleans your mouths with every sip, and keeps you from drinking sugary drinks you might reach for if you weren’t already drinking water.
If your oral hygiene is missing some of these important steps, remember that they are easy to integrate into your existing routine. During the first week or so, make sure to drink enough water, don’t forget to floss and soon enough, you won’t have to think twice about it.
It goes without saying that due care and diligence in your dental routine is going to preserve the health and appearance of your teeth, but even the most fastidious of brushers and flossers are likely to get discoloration at some stage. Caffeinated drinks, red wine, and certain foods all contain staining agents that can tarnish your pearly white enamel. There are a multitude of teeth whitening products on the market, from toothpastes, mouthwashes, strips and pens, to gels and LED lights. Before you commence any kind of treatment plan though, it is wise to do your research and if you are unsure seek advice from your dental care practitioner in using teeth whitening products.