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Should You Migrate To The Cloud?

Should You Migrate To The Cloud?

If your business relies on a server network, you’ve no doubt heard about the cloud. The cloud isn’t just a gimmick – it’s a bonafide system that your company can use to make better use of its IT resources. 

Migrating to the cloud, however, can seem like a major hassle and undertaking. Often it’s not clear how you can translate your existing systems to a distributed computing environment. Usually, it means ripping up old protocols and starting from scratch. It’s a challenging process and one that you probably shouldn’t try to undertake by yourself.

The benefits of the cloud, however, are enormous. Some of the biggest companies in the world have moved to the cloud because of the incredible features that it offers. While this article won’t make the transition to the cloud any easier, it can make the prospect migration more attractive. Take a look at the following reasons why you should migrate to the cloud. 

You Can Automatically Back-Up Data

The data that you hold on servers and hard drives on your premises is at risk. It could become corrupted at any point, or suffer a mechanical failure. Disk drives don’t last forever. 

Most companies try to get around this problem by backing up their data, but it’s a significant hassle and time drain. Often you have to physically swap drives in and out, and use precious IT department time to get it done. 

On the cloud, however, things are different. Backups happen automatically. It’s just a matter of transferring data from one hard drive in a server farm to another hard drive at regular intervals. Most of the time it goes on automatically without you ever having to think about it, saving you a lot of time and angst. 

You Can Hire Remote Workers

Modern businesses need access to large talent pools. They need to be able to utilize the skills of people all over the world, no matter where they happen to be. Remote workers, however, can’t interact with legacy systems easily.

The cloud changes all this. Everyone in your company, no matter where they are, interacts with your software stored on third-party servers via the internet. This feature means that you can employ remote workers frictionlessly. You don’t have to insist that they physically relocate so that they can travel to your office. 

The result? You get access to a much vaster talent pool than before, able to employ the services of the people you need, wherever they happen to be. 

Your Workers Can Collaborate More Easily

Managers are always looking for ways to help their teams work together more effectively. The cloud could be just the tool that you need. 

The cloud has numerous benefits for collaboration over and above colleagues just sitting next to each other. For starters, each member of a collaborative group has full access to a computer terminal. They don’t need to share a screen. What’s more, the cloud makes it possible for people to dip in and out of collaborative enterprises, no matter where they are. A colleague based at home can work on a project with somebody from your head office. 

If you have a large team, the collaborative aspect of the cloud can make working together much more comfortable. Groups of people can interact with the same piece of software in real-time, making changes, and complementing each other’s work. 

You Can Scale Your Operations Easily

One of the great things about modern IT services is how scalable they have become. You can order extra space by the gigabyte and pay only for the bandwidth that you use. The cloud, therefore, accurately reflects the requirements of your business in a way that a traditional legacy network doesn’t. 

You Can Order New Features Instantly

The concept of software-as-a-service has revolutionized the business computing market. The new way of delivering software means that companies can get the digital services that they need at a moment’s notice. Often there’s no need to download anything – providers offer services through browsers in the cloud. 

Payment is simple too. Gone are the days of expensive, upfront license fees. Instead, companies pay monthly subscriptions to get access to the tools that they need. Furthermore, they can cancel these subscriptions whenever they want if the software isn’t helping them achieve their objectives.

The modern cloud offers numerous advantages to businesses. The main benefit is essentially the ability to reduce risk. It’s far easier today than it was in the past to diversify your computing assets, helping to boost uptime and eliminate issues caused by any individual server or network. 

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