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Common Cat Behaviors Problems and their Solution

Common Cat Behaviors Problems and their Solution

It is fun having a Cat as a pet; they put a smile on our faces with their purr and nuzzle. We love it when they look like innocent babies when they are held, rub against our legs or knead our laps. However, it is not always happily ever after with them as they can come with any behavioral problems suddenly.

First, you need to rule out any health issues by taking your Cat to your veterinarian after noticing any irregular symptoms from them. After they are certified okay, you can try out some of our expert certified remedies to solve your Cat’s behavioral problems.


This often comes in the form of scratching of couches and curtains to work off their energy. They need those materials to play, mark territory or to work their claws. It is a natural and basic animal instinct, and there is no need to despair. A solution to this kind of behavioral problem is to buy the Cats their scratching spots with Catnip and encourage then to use it. Another option is to trim their claws, seek advice from your veterinarian if you find this problematic.

Keeping up late at night, waking early in the morning

Cats are nocturnal, so it is normal to be active at nights. What is not normal is for your Cat to be up in your face meowing or scratching your nose when you are sleeping. To avoid a situation whereby your Cat wakes up the whole house, make sure you replace their sounding toys with foam balls and other toys that won’t make a sound. When they intentionally get in your face while sleeping, however, try and figure out why; it might be that their food or water has finished, or they are bored or lonely and needs toys to play with.

Observe your Cat for any of the listed Cat behavioral problems

Litter box issues

One of the most prevalent Cat behavioral problem. This is a big issue when a Cat is not using its litter box. There are specific reasons for this kind of situation, and some of them are:

  • Take your Cat for geriatric examination to rule out any diseases such as urinary tract diseases or bladder stone disease.
  • Make sure you have more than a little box if you have more than one Cat in the house. The more, the better.
  • Place the litter boxes in an accessible location.
  • Have different type or style of litters that your Cat will like.
  • Always ensure that the little box is clean. Clean it at least once a day for a single Cat.


Biting and Scratching

You must know that Cats and kittens play a lot, and this is a way they hone their coordination and social skills. When you notice that your Cats is going over the line and leaving scratches and bite marks, it is time to do something about it. Some of the remedies to this behavioral problem is to buy lots of toys for them to play with or get another companion, discourage your Cats from playing with your leg and feet, and also play with them for a few minutes daily.

Other examples of Cats behavioral problems are yowling of a Cat on heat, Cat aggression, foiling fleas and “scary” Cat mode. When you observe your Cats correctly, you can quickly detect what is wrong with them and provide an appropriate remedy.

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